Client Stories…

“Thank you to Life Choices and their Holistic Health Education Program. The presenter spoke about STDs in a way that made the kids think and engaged them in conversation. The education talked openly about STDs and their effects on their bodies. My child told me about the presentation later which really opened up dialogue about relationships and consequences. It is so helpful to have another trusted adult teach our kids about real life issues in a safe, fun environment.” - Parent of Student that received our education, 2024

A young college student made an appointment with us to confirm her pregnancy. She has already had 2 abortions and said that she cannot do that again because she really struggled mentally. However, she is living with her boyfriend and they both have very little money and she was very nervous at the thought of having a baby. We confirmed the pregnancy and then went through our folder that has so many resources for our clients to help them parent well. She has also endured a lot of abuse in her recent history and seems very open to working with someone in our mentorship program. She will be coming back to get an ultrasound and we will walk through this pregnancy with her. She allowed me to share the gospel with her. She said “maybe all these pregnancies are for a reason and I should consider some things.” I told her “God may be knocking on your heart to see that He created you in an amazing way and wants you to see the importance of making Him a big part of your life. There is hope for your future and we all want to walk through this with you.” She responded well and left more confident that she can parent this baby well. - 2024

A young woman walked through our doors pregnant with her second baby. She told us this was an unexpected pregnancy and at first, she and her boyfriend didn't know if they wanted to move forward with this pregnancy. The young woman was born with a genetic chromosomal defect, as well as her firstborn, so she knew the odds were that this baby would be born with it as well. After some time, they decided to parent their baby and felt supported in their choice to do so. Over the course of her pregnancy, she suffered with abnormal bleeding caused by a hematoma. She also found out that this baby also had the same chromosomal defect both she and her first born have. Despite her circumstances, this young woman displayed a beautiful attitude of fortitude and said they will care for whatever health issues arise and plan to love their baby no matter what. Her baby was born pre-term and weighed only 1 pound, 2oz at birth. The baby was on a ventilator in the NICUU for several months, but this young woman remained at peace and confident that her baby would grow big and strong in time. When her baby was healthy enough, she came to our clinic for a visit and introduced us to this precious baby we all had been praying for. Another life has been valued and saved!

A middle aged woman made an appointment with us to see if she was pregnant. She arrived with her elementary age child. I quickly discovered that her husband was abusive. After discussing the situation I offered her help. We called VOICe Victims Outreach Intervention Center and they spoke with her on the phone while I was in the room with her. We made a plan for her to get out safely with her children. She is pregnant and decided to keep the baby after our discussion about the many resources and ways we, along with other agencies can help her parent well. I stayed in contact with her and learned that different agencies got involved and are now helping. She and her husband are living separately but the whole family is going through counseling and they are doing family visitations with the help of a caseworker. The husband is getting help and is excited to keep the baby too. Hopefully she will be back and go through our parenting classes. - 2024

A man came into our clinic to get tested for STDs. He has been with his girlfriend for over a year. He has come to a point in his life where he is at a crossroad of what to do next. He quit his job 2 months ago and started thinking he should just move but did not know where. He also is unsure of his relationship with his girlfriend as she has a young son that is not his. He allowed me to share the gospel with him. He had many great questions and wanted the new testament and tract that told him what we had talked about. I gave him a suggestion to read the book “Case for Faith” by Lee Strobel and was very interested in getting the book.  He will be coming back next week for results and seems ready for real good, healthy, change in his life.

A woman who originally came to our clinics at the beginning of her pregnancy was not sure if she was going to keep the baby. As her due date approached, she came in to shop from our Blessings Closet. Her and her husband were able to fill the back of the car with material needs for their baby and family. She said she wasn’t sure they could provide financially and it was one of their biggest concerns in deciding if they were going to parent their child. She left with tears in her eyes and said how thankful she was for us meeting her needs the entire process of her pregnancy and how grateful she was that her daughter would have a crib to sleep in, clothes on her back and material needs met. She not only left with material things, but with relationships spanning months of pregnancy, support and knowing she was cared for every step of the way. - 2024

Do you have a story of how Life Choices has impacted you and/or someone you know? Feel free to fill out the form below, and we’ll be in contact with you!

*we don’t use any names or identifying information in the story for the privacy and safety of clients and donors, so please try your best to do the same in your explanation of the story, thank you!

“As a Christian, I never really thought about needing a company like Life Choices until I did. Life Choices offers many services. Their primary goal is to help women to choose life, but that is not all they offer. They also offer STD testing and treatment. To a pro-life person, those things sound off topic or not related to pro-life, but they are connected to the pro-life movement undeniably. 

Recently, my daughter was having some serious medical issues. We took her to the doctor. The doctors tested her for a common STD even though she denied being sexually active to us and the doctor. It came back positive for one of the common STDs. In that moment, my heart sunk. I wasn't sad because of the STD, but I was sad because she lied to me. I was sad because we have had millions of conversations about sex, STDs, pregnancy, and healthy relationships. We literally talk about it every other day. In the past, I told her that I would never stop loving her and she couldn't do anything that would make me not want her anymore. Well, now sitting in the doctor's office with this news that first, she lied to me and second, she may have even more serious STDs -- This was the moment that I had to prove that Jesus loves through all things. He doesn't keep us from our consequences, but he does walk with us as we go through them. She was tested for 2 of the most common STDs at the doctor's office and then was told to get tested at a local testing facility. My first thoughts were what are these people going to tell her? The group she is hanging out with is ok with getting tested and treated every month. Are these people at the local clinics even educating these teenagers on what is out there? Are they telling them what can happen to their bodies if they continue? Whatever they are communicating to these teenagers, it is not translating to them as STOP HAVING CASUAL SEX. It seems as though they are communicating the exact opposite. So when my daughter said she was open to going to Life Choices to get tested, my heart relaxed. I knew that if she went to Life Choices she would get the truth. She would get the education she so desperately needs. She would not get the unhealthy, money driven advice that these clinics are giving to our young people. I was so thankful I knew where to direct her to go and could trust that she would be prayed over and given wisdom that helped her whole wellbeing. Life Choices is such a valuable organization to me. They do so much to help people make informed sexual choices and save babies. From my perspective, my daughter came in for STD testing today and received wisdom that will change her trajectory. She was loved on and cared for by CHRISTIANS who didn't judge her, but spoke the truth. If she ever needs advice again, I know she will go back to Life Choices where she will get loved on again. I know she will send her friends to Life Choices too!  So I will close with this, the STD testing does seem irrelevant at first, but the people who need the testing are often the same people who end up pregnant considering abortion in the future. I am thankful that there is still one place I can send my daughter where she will get compassion, dignity, and truth when she needs it most. Hopefully, the intervention now will save us from the need for an intervention later. THANK YOU LIFE CHOICES. You guys are incredible. It's one thing to hear about all the ways you love people on the daily, but it is a whole different ball game to see you all in action loving my person. Thank you .. (: “ - Parent Testimony, 2024