Prayer WORKS.
Join us as we pray.
Prayer is absolutely CRITICAL in the success of Life Choices as a whole. Would you consider becoming a prayer warrior for Life Choices? This is a great way to be connected to the ministry even beyond financial giving or volunteering, so even if you can’t, we covet your prayers over the kingdom work being done here!
Prayer Points
Life Choices
Pray that our ministry will be sustained and fortified through monthly partners who have a passion for abundant life
Pray for our staff as they work behind-the-scenes to grow and strengthen the ministry
Pray for our donors and their families, as we truly believe that they are ‘co-workers’ in the work we do
My Choice Medical Clinics
Pray for hardened hearts to soften so clients choose life for their babies and for themselves.
Pray that our clients will see themselves as valued and worth more than who society says they are.
Pray that our parenting clients can learn how to be the best individuals, so they can be the best parents.
Pray for hope, bravery, and self-worth in our clients
Pray for our clinic staff (nurses, clinic directors, and volunteers) as they emotionally give so much to selflessly love clients through joys and sorrows of life
Pray for all of those babies lost to abortion, as we know that they will never be forgotten and we recognize the purpose and value that their short life had to this world
My Choice Education
Pray for relationships between schools (teachers, principles, administrators, etc.) and our educators.
Pray that the students not only hear and apply the information, but that they realize their own value and worth.
Pray that the capital “T” Truth (Jesus) can be seen and experienced through the education
Pray for reconciliation in the lives of students and inmates