The Inn, Maternity Home

To see every life valued…two lives at a time.

In 2017, God opened the door for The Inn, Maternity Home. Two lives at a time, moms and babies were loved and given a safe place to call home. Over the course of 6 years, we housed many women and welcomed them with love and care. There were many highs and lows with The Inn over those years.  Many tears were cried, many hours spent on our knees praying and seeking God in how to help these women and their babies.  With each new woman who came, we learned as a ministry and we grew in how to serve them better.  God was faithful in walking alongside us as we developed this part of the ministry. However, over those years we also noticed that many of the women who we were serving had many similarities.  Over time it became apparent that as much as we were able to change and grow in helping these women, that many of the women who were in need were just not willing to receive our help.  Many reached out in need, we offered them a bed, a safe place and the possibility of a restorative program and time after time they would turn it down.  God began working in the hearts of our team and board members and eventually the idea of closing the Inn became a reality.  It is with great sorrow that we close the doors of the Inn, but also with great celebration and anticipation.  God did a great work at the Inn and He will be faithful to continue that work as He guides our next steps.

“We came across some issues with the Inn, specifically with housing women. They didn’t want the accountability of the program. As hard as that is to say, we have to realize that maybe there is a different way to go and we believe the Lord is moving in a different direction and we’re calling that Case Management.” —Joey Vegerano, Executive Director

Our mission is to empower choices for life, sexual integrity and healthy families. To help further this mission, we believe God is leading us to build up our Case Management program as well as our community connections. The goal is to create healthy families, which includes educating, empowering and equipping women and men in all areas of their life, wherever they find themselves, in hopes to influence them to make healthier choices.

Please come alongside us in prayer as God continues to reveal what is next.