What is Life Choices?
Life Choices is a ministry committed to upholding the sanctity of human life by assisting and educating individuals facing unplanned pregnancies. Life Choices (formerly known as Pregnancy Support Services) was founded in 1984 by a committed group of individuals led by Jessie Schaeffer. For 40 years, Life Choices has been a driving force for cultural transformation within our community. We remain committed to offering life-affirming options to those in difficult situations, both before and after.
Life Choices has 4 medical clinics across Western Pennsylvania. One in Butler, Armstrong, Greensburg, and Indiana. Services include:
STD and STI tests and treatment
Pregnancy testing, verification and ultrasounds
Parenting classes & crisis support
Free material resources
Community assistance referrals
An education team that goes to public schools, private schools, and youth groups, that educates, empowers and equips students to make choices for sexual integrity.
Click here to view our clinic page!
Click here to view our education page!
Why should I give to Life Choices?
Whether someone is facing an unplanned pregnancy or an STD, we come alongside them to change the trajectory of their life and help them to make choices for sexual integrity and healthy families.
All of the services we provide to clients are completely free of charge. We are able to do this because of generous donors and prayer warriors like you.
Below is a TRUE story of a girl that came into one of our clinics earlier this year..
A young college student made an appointment with us to confirm her pregnancy. She has already had 2 abortions and said that she cannot do that again because she really struggled mentally. However, she is living with her boyfriend and they both have very little money and she was very nervous at the thought of having a baby. We confirmed the pregnancy and then went through our folder that has so many resources for our clients to help them parent well. She has also endured a lot of abuse in her recent history and seems very open to working with someone in our mentorship program. She will be coming back to get an ultrasound and we will walk through this pregnancy with her. She allowed me to share the gospel with her. She said “maybe all these pregnancies are for a reason and I should consider some things.” I told her “God may be knocking on your heart to see that He created you in an amazing way and wants you to see the importance of making Him a big part of your life. There is hope for your future and we all want to walk through this with you.” She responded well and left more confident that she can parent this baby well.
We see lots of clients with similar stories to this one and it is truly a blessing and honor to be able to come alongside these men/women in crisis and to help change the trajectory of their lives.
Throughout its journey, Life Choices has touched the lives of hundreds of clients and continues to be an effective outreach center in our communities. We would not be where we are today without the caring support of our donors like you.
Your Gifts Impact
$20 Provides mentoring for a student or adult for one day at our clinic.
$85 Provides sexual integrity education in a local classroom for one day.
$500 Provides parenting classes and material resources for a mom/dad
$1000 Provides the initial pregnancy test, ultrasound and life-affirming education for 5 women facing an unplanned pregnancy.
Our Staff
Clinic Staff & Board
Becky Furst
Butler Clinic Director
Jordan Nardozzi, RN
Butler Nurse
Megan Vallies - President
Saralee Lenhart - Vice President
Ginger Morgan - Secretary
Steve Allaman - Treasurer
Carrie Crowder - Board Member
Todd Ruggles - Board Member
Rana Learn
Indiana Clinic Director
Maddie Spohn, RN
Indiana Nurse
Becky Furst
Kittanning Clinic Director
Nicole Davies, RN
Kittanning Nurse
Medical Directors
Dr. Michele Oleksak
Dr. Amanda Vaglia
Dr. Lela Daugherty
Jessica Rising
Greensburg Clinic Director
Tracy Ruggles, RN
Greensburg Nurse